The T-shirt


#    First           Last                   City              Gender   Age Time
==== ====================================== ================= ======== === =====
1    Charley         Murphy                 Napanee           M        27  15:14
2    Andrew          Taylor                 Ajax              M        32  16:06
3    Zeljko          Sabol                  Cambridge         M        36  16:10
4    Steve           Weiler                 London            M        21  16:26
5    Steve           Cochrane               Komoka            M        35  16:27
6    Deng            Achieck                London            M        20  16:37
7    Patrick         Donker                 Beachville        M        21  16:37
8    Neil            Gowan                                    M        26  17:01
9    Jim             Burrows                London            M        41  17:03
10   Chris           Smith                  London            M        23  17:07
12   Rod             Henning                London            M        38  17:09
11   Jeff            Barrett                London            M        34  17:22
13   Justin          Hall                   London            M        19  17:23
14   Scott           Nelms                  London            M        22  17:27
15   Peter           Donato                 Toronto           M        37  17:32
16   Blake           Murphy                 London            M        25  17:36
17   Ken             Gosleigh               Kincardine        M        35  17:40
18   Jamie           Pell                   St Thomas         M        31  17:41
19   Roburt          Tranter                Kingsville        M        26  17:47
20   Edward          Chelminiak             London            M        48  17:53
21   Shannon         Gerrie                 London            F        21  17:56
22   Brian           Hagemeier              London            M        32  18:00
23   Adela           Flista                 Hamilton          F        33  18:03
24   Timothy         Dobbin                 London            M        40  18:05
25   John            Ferguson               London            M        44  18:10
26   Michaela        Mcclure                                  F        24  18:17
27   David           Palma                  London            M        24  18:21
28   Aaron           Ramlal                 London            M        52  18:27
29   Richard         Mcclelland             London            M        33  18:31
30   Harold          Walker                 St Thomas         M        36  18:31
31   Maker           Kuai                   London            M        19  18:34
32   Dennis          Kalichuk               St Thomas         M        47  18:40
33   Patrick         Connor                 London            M        44  18:42
34   Rob             Di Blasio              London            M        41  18:45
35   Scott           Finch                  London            M        28  18:46
36   Kate            Annen                  London            F        25  18:48
37   Lynn            Dempsey                London            F        30  18:50
38   Peter           Haase                  London            M        56  18:50
39   Fred            Chapman                London            M        51  18:52
40   Doug            Jowett                 Delaware          M        42  19:05
41   Paul            Woolford               London            M        33  19:11
42   Bernd           Grobbecker             St Marys          M        44  19:17
43   Brian           Vandergulik            London            M        32  19:19
44   Don             Rhynas                 London            M        49  19:21
45   Richard         Boothroyd              London            M        41  19:30
46   Darcy           Wilson                 Stratford         M        12  19:34
47   Jim             Buckley                Cambridge         M        55  19:36
48   Gordon          Macdonald              London            M        35  19:38
49   Herman          Post                   London            M        45  19:40
50   Howard          Harvey                                   M        35  19:41
51   Brian           Levy                   London            M        40  19:42
52   Alex            Muszka                 London            M        41  19:46
53   Nick            Merucci                Port Stanley      M        52  19:49
54   James           Wimmer                 London            M        23  19:50
55   Lesley          Binning                Mitchell          F        16  19:52
56   Marco           Balestrin              St Marys          M        40  19:56
57   Daniel          Booth                  Dutton            M        34  19:57
58   Ben             Perks                  London            M        23  19:58
59   Sarah           Miller                 Oakville          F        39  20:00
60   Lawrence        Trickey                London            M        55  20:01
61   Brad            Killeleagh             London            M        44  20:02
62   Mark            Faust                  London            M        43  20:03
63   Shayna          Boland                 London            F        21  20:04
64   Greg            Smith                  London            M        49  20:11
65   Michael         Chui                   London            M        21  20:11
66   Leslie          Jones                  London            M        58  20:12
67   Mary            Nash                   London            F        43  20:15
68   Lynne           Macarthur              London            F        32  20:16
69   Nick            D'ascanio              London            M        62  20:19
70   Tara            Johnson                London            F        21  20:21
71   Erin            Rosebrugh              London            F        24  20:22
72   Julie           Roberts                London            F        40  20:23
73   Cliff           Hardick                London            M        55  20:23
74   Susan           Quenneville            London            F        35  20:26
75   Grace           Periera                London            F        21  20:28
76   Fred            Dykman                                   M        47  20:36
77   Natalie         Baird                  London            F        34  20:38
78   Colm            Kelly                  London            M        57  20:39
79   Karen           Gordon                 London            F        27  20:46
80   Linda           Wilson                 Stratford         F        41  20:49
81   Steve           Cordes                 London            M        41  20:51
82   Fraser          Rosebrugh              London            M        20  20:52
83   William         Mathers                London            M        44  20:52
84   Thomas          De Vries               London            M        11  20:53
85   Paul            Cappa                  London            M        40  20:55
86   Andrea          Zelinka                London            F        25  20:57
87   Deb             Morrissey              London            F        41  21:03
88   Martin          Harrington             Thamesford        M        39  21:04
89   Andy            Dawson                 Chatham           M        34  21:04
90   Dylan           Haight                 Woodstock         M        12  21:05
91   Richard         Binning                Mitchell          M        50  21:06
92   Annemarie       Hoffmann               London            F        23  21:06
93   David           D'souza                London            M        32  21:07
94   Phil            Waller                 London            M        53  21:08
95   Robert          Weir                   London            M        55  21:11
96   Rebecca         Barton                 Toronto           F        42  21:12
97   Richard         Mclaughlin                               M        40  21:14
98   Gerard          Hatchette              London            M        44  21:15
99   Glenn           Hickling               London            M        49  21:21
100  Gerry           Keogh                  London            M        48  21:21
101  David           Flett                  London            M        39  21:33
102  Jim             Gilchrist              London            M        62  21:33
103  Ted             Ratsep                 London            M        38  21:35
104  Ross            Wilcock                London            M        45  21:36
105  Pat             Palleschi              London            M        47  21:37
106  Dwayne          Mckinley               London            M        28  21:40
107  Rob             Sleegers               London            M        30  21:42
108  Doug            Jamieson               London            M        42  21:43
109  Rosemary        Wedlake                London            F        50  21:43
110  Dave            Hill                   London            M        53  21:43
111  Ralph           Walker                 London            M        54  21:44
112  Patrick         Copps                  London            M        40  21:44
113  Neil            Murray                 London            M        34  21:48
114  Colin           King                   London            M        23  21:51
115  Merzi           Dastoor                London            M        25  21:52
116  Rob             Johnston               London            M        17  21:53
117  Michael         Geraghty               Hamilton          M        48  21:55
118  Dave            Kloppenburg                              M        39  21:56
119  Stacey          Mcclelland             London            F        31  21:58
120  Gerard          Dejong                 Lucan             M        45  22:00
121  Ian             Trotter                Lucan             M        38  22:00
122  Paul            Lockhart               Sarnia            M        44  22:01
123  Marty           Kovacs                 London            M        38  22:03
124  Steffen         Kampe                  St Thomas         M        66  22:04
125  Gino            Cimino                 London            M        39  22:05
126  Marc            Roberts                London            M        53  22:08
127  Andy            Reid                   London            M        22  22:10
128  Raymond         Wilkinson              London            M        56  22:14
129  Jim             Rule                   Dorchester        M        57  22:15
130  Graham          Deveber                London            M        51  22:19
131  James           Cumming                London            M        40  22:20
132  Christine       Parks                  London            F        26  22:21
133  Deb             Mckaig                 London            F        42  22:24
134  Denny           Radlein                London            M        51  22:25
135  Angelo          D'ascanio              London            M        39  22:25
136  B J             Hardick                London            M        27  22:26
137  Allen           Lambier                London            M        31  22:29
138  Colleen         Stewart                Welland           F        51  22:31
139  Hans            Scheele                Thorndale         M        40  22:32
140  Mark            Diggins                London            M        30  22:34
141  Bob             Thompson               London            M        40  22:37
142  Samantha        Marchant               London            F        23  22:38
143  Michael         Blencowe               London            M        51  22:39
144  Demelza         Motley                 London            F        24  22:40
145                  Laura                  London            F        32  22:43
146  Chad            Cook                   Chatham           M        29  22:47
147  Martin          Chisholm               London            M        35  22:48
148  Jeff            Rosen                  London            M        37  22:50
149  Randy           Mccurdy                London            M        49  22:52
150  Gord            Simpson                Toronto           M        44  22:57
151  Fred            Mason                                    M        30  23:00
152  Nicole          Vetter                 London            F        28  23:01
153  Robert          Heacock                London            M        42  23:03
154  Cathy           Johnson                London            F        47  23:07
155  Kevin           Leon                   Melbourne         M        45  23:11
156  Dinh            Tran                   London            M        33  23:11
157  Barry           Mckaig                 London            M        44  23:12
158  Caitlin         Mroz                   London            F        17  23:14
159  Jenalle         Vanhie                 Dorchester        F        10  23:15
160  Ken             Kusalik                Chatham           M        34  23:17
161  Phill           Rikley                 London            M        52  23:18
162  Arnold          Visser                 Dorchester        M        42  23:20
163  David           Smith                  London            M        45  23:24
164  David           Pridding Squire        London            M        42  23:25
165  Nick            Donker                 Beachville        M        61  23:27
166  Cheryl          Smits                  London            F        24  23:28
167  Diane           Perkins                London            F        46  23:28
168  Jack            Mckeown                London            M        44  23:29
169  Joan            Dinardo                London            F        40  23:34
170  Michael         Logan                                    M        31  23:35
171  Michael         De Vries               London            M        56  23:37
172  Arnie           Spivey                 Exeter            M        47  23:39
173  Janet           Shillington            London            F        49  23:41
174  Brenda          Murray                 London            F        27  23:44
175  Matt            Nash                   London            M        11  23:45
176  Rob             Vass                   London            M        37  23:50
177  Frances         De Gouw                Parkhill          F        23  23:51
178  Graham          Kent                                     M        23  23:53
179  Brad            Builder                London            M        32  23:55
180  David           Marsh                  London            M        51  23:57
181  Mark            Mccurdy                London            M        14  23:58
182  Anne            Cramer                 London            F        23  23:59
183  Rosaleen        Dunbar                 St Marys          F        51  24:01
184  Scott           Telfer                 Austin            M        40  24:01
185  Jennifer        De Vries               London            F        11  24:02
186  Chris           Vanderydt              Strathroy         M        27  24:06
187  Beverly         Gribbons               London            F        43  24:07
188  John            Kay                    London            M        37  24:07
189  Eugene          Sawchuk                London            M        53  24:11
190  Tammy           Whitehead              London            F        39  24:12
191  Sara            Benoit                 London            F        25  24:14
192  Brad            Griffith               London            M        40  24:16
193  Dean            Reffell                London            M        42  24:18
194  Joe             Kuchoki                                  M        33  24:19
195  Mike            Bacigalupo             London            M        57  24:24
196  Christopher     Slabon                 London            M        34  24:25
197  Betty           Quintus                London            F        40  24:25
198  Joanne          Marks                  London            F        32  24:26
199  Debbie          Obokata                London            F        50  24:26
200  Adam            Rae                    Stratford         M        24  24:28
201  Lauren          Leggatt                London            F        19  24:36
202  Jan             Meek                   London            F        45  24:37
203  Bert            Verhagen               Grand Bend        M        60  24:38
204  Melanie         Crossett               St Thomas         F        28  24:47
205  Mac             Hoy                    St Pauls          M        41  24:48
206  Susan           Vusich                 Port Stanley      F        48  24:53
207  Soph            Katsademas             London            F        40  24:55
208  Nancy           Fulton                 London            F        43  24:56
209  Lindsay         Walker                 St Thomas         F        14  24:58
210  Darin           Cook                   Windsor           M        32  24:59
211  Rachel          Burdick                London            F        18  25:00
212  Sheri           Cappa                  London            F        39  25:03
213  Mike            Bailey                 London            M        38  25:05
214  Robert          Seguin                 London            M        44  25:09
215  Ellis           Henricks               London            M        52  25:10
216  Stacey          Casier                 London            F        27  25:13
217  Gerry           Fenwick                London            M        73  25:16
218  Barbara         Ridell                                   F        39  25:17
219  Mallory         Mroz                   London            F        17  25:18
220  Alexandra       Charlebois             London            F        10  25:18
221  Roberta         Reardon                London            F        48  25:20
222  Gossette        Radlein                London            F        51  25:24
223  Paul            Nesbitt-larking                          M        48  25:29
224  Patti           Taylor                 London            F        32  25:30
225  Lisa            Brooks                 London            F        40  25:31
226  Yonina          Chernick               London            F        37  25:32
227  Bronwen         Wallace                London            F        19  25:33
228  Allison         Walker                 St Thomas         F        16  25:35
229  Bridget         Murphy                 Sarnia            F        33  25:40
230  Bernard         Conway                 London            M        62  25:41
231  Melissa         Medd                   Stratford         F        24  25:48
232  Kirk            Flowers                London            M        54  25:50
233  Nancy           James                                    F        41  25:53
234  Donna           Kovacs                 London            F        38  25:57
235  Rose            Morrissey              London            F        35  25:57
236  Michelle        Richardson             London            F        22  25:58
237  Olivia          Cain                   London            F        27  26:03
238  Jon             Lizmore                London            M        30  26:06
239  Liz             Cramer                 London            F        49  26:10
240  Jaclyn          Wise                   Dorchester        F        13  26:21
241  Brian           Johnston               London            M        64  26:23
242  Krystal         Mayer                                    F        21  26:23
243  Janice          Hughson                London            F        47  26:26
244  Rob             Moser                  Dorchester        M        45  26:28
245  Robert          Way                    London            M        46  26:28
246  Brieanna        Charlebois             London            F        8   26:28
247  Jeff            Rule                   London            M        27  26:29
248  Pat             Leggatt                London            F        42  26:34
249  Martha          Ludlow                 London            F        16  26:34
250  Rob             Divalentin             London            M        38  26:37
251  Wanda           Lbeetnoff                                F        26  26:46
252  Isabel          Lynch                  London            F        53  26:47
253  Catherine       Trudelle               London            F        28  26:50
254  Angela          Furfaro                London            F        23  26:52
255  Ayad            Elsharif               London            M        34  26:56
256  Jason           Van Gorp               Belmont           M        28  27:00
257  Christine       Sleegers               London            F        31  27:01
258  Katrina         Cholack                London            F        30  27:01
259  Lindsay         Oldham                                   F        16  27:01
260  Sara            Elliott                                  F        14  27:01
261  Bill            Burdick                London            M        49  27:03
262  Martin          Donkers                Arva              M        36  27:05
263  Dana            Lepage                 London            F        23  27:08
264  Mary Lou        Marchant               London            F        50  27:12
265  Jennifer        Bow                                      F        26  27:13
266  David           De Vries               London            M        13  27:14
267  Gillian         Roberts                London            F        12  27:15
268  Mike            Semchism               London            M        44  27:15
269  Bill            Spackman               London            M        53  27:17
270  Leslie          Angi                   London            F        31  27:33
271  Andrew          Mcintosh               London            M        45  27:33
272  Elizabeth       Mcintosh               London            F        45  27:34
273  Dustin          Mitchell               London            M        13  27:38
274  Elaine          Henning                London            F        38  27:40
275  Bonnie          Martin                 London            F        33  27:40
276  Janette         Batten                 London            F        34  27:42
277  Cory            Telfer                 Chatham           F        29  27:46
278  Kathy           Roberts                London            F        43  27:47
279  Diane           Barker                 Kincardine        F        47  27:47
280  Jantje          Scheele                Thorndale         F        35  27:47
281  Jeff            Nicholls               London            M        29  27:49
282  Frank           Tancredi               London            M        40  27:50
283  Janet           Mathers                                  F        46  27:52
284  Terry           Barfett                London            M        47  27:54
285  Giles           Charlebois             London            M        41  27:54
286  Michelle        Verberne               London            F        23  27:55
287  Mallory         Walker                 St Thomas         F        10  28:02
288  John            Sinclair               London            M        40  28:08
289  Bradley         Brown                                    M        23  28:12
290  Grace           Post                   London            F        43  28:13
291  Ian             Darling                London            M        29  28:14
292  Ali             Meuse                  London            F        37  28:18
293  David           Wise                   Dorchester        M        45  28:19
294  Cory            Barr                   Chatham           M        32  28:20
295  Jami            Sowerby                London            F        27  28:24
296  Melanie         Askew                  London            F        32  28:29
297  Stacey          Vass                   London            F        36  28:31
298  Derrick         Alcock                 London            M        30  28:31
299  Keith           Secor                  Kitchener         M        49  28:37
300  Amanda          Lutz                                     F        28  28:41
301  Ena             De Bruyn                                 F        52  28:44
302  Marilynne       Ponto                                    F        60  28:52
303  Kelly           Brennan                London            F        25  28:56
304  Cynthia         Mcintyre               London            F        30  28:57
305  Lauren          Burdick                London            F        20  29:04
306  Monique         Radlein                London            F        25  29:05
307  Linda           Power                                    F        30  29:06
308  Valerie         Hobson                 London            F        41  29:16
309  Afua            Addo-abedi             London            F        23  29:23
310  Colleen         Eckert-denver          London            F        50  29:27
311  John            Dyson                  London            M        40  29:31
312  Lynne           Grobbecker             St Marys          F        43  29:48
313  Deborah         Armitage               London            F        44  29:49
314  Chris           Bray                   London            M        29  29:58
315  Sharron         Poole                  London            F        40  30:03
316  Donna           Fones                  London            F        47  30:03
317  Karen           Walkey                 London            F        39  30:21
318  Robbie          Timmerman              London            M        10  30:27
319  Kathleen        Laroque                Ailsa Craig       F        37  30:32
320  Christine       Kowula                 Langdon           F        34  30:34
321  Shelley         Harrington             Thamesford        F        41  30:37
322  Beverley        Philp                  London            F        58  30:38
323  Cheryl          Heard                  St Thomas         F        28  30:54
324  Douglas         Gray                   London            M        44  30:57
325  Karen           Gray                   London            F        38  30:57
326  Jane            Hornberg               Granton           F        34  31:08
327  Karin           Snoek                  St Marys          F        39  31:08
328  Catherine       Michienzi              London            F        29  31:09
329  Colleen         Irlend                                   F        31  31:09
330  Ron             Shier                  Ingersoll         M        67  31:11
331  Andrea          Ives                   London            F        44  31:16
332  Shannon         Tannahil               London            F        31  31:19
333  Spencer         Vass                   London            M        9   31:29
334  Patricia        Boost                  London            F        53  31:36
335  John            Verboven               London            M        70  31:52
336  Arlene          Gleason                London            F        52  31:53
337  Clynton         Macneil                London            M        43  32:09
338  Lindsay         Macneil                London            F        17  32:09
339  Maureen         Hussey                 London            F        53  32:13
340  Carla           Campbell                                 F        30  32:16
341  Michelle        Gillies                                  F        31  32:16
342  Mark            De Zorzi               London            M        39  32:31
343  Gillian         Fraser                 London            F        26  32:33
344  Irena           Piasecka               London            F        24  32:33
345  Marcie          Stears                 Stratford         F        26  32:34
346  Michele         Greene                 Stratford         F        36  32:34
347  Briana          Blencowe               London            F        17  32:51
348  Alison          Adair                  London            F        33  32:56
349  Amanda          Hall                   Chatham           F        26  32:56
350  ?               ?                                        M        99  33:01
351  Cindy           Leon                   Melbourne         F        43  33:02
352  Sandra          Chard                  London            F        32  33:06
353  Leanne          Mohr                                     F        25  33:34
354  Dale            Boost                  London            M        52  33:42
355  Maria           Hardcastle             Dorchester        F        53  33:49
356  Sherri          Robinson               London            F        32  34:03
357  Joan            Donohoe                London            F        49  34:04
358  Heidi           Pinter                 London            F        21  34:05
359  Jodi            Hinds                  London            F        28  34:06
360  Evelynne        Kobes                  London            F        35  34:07
361  Margaret        Rule                   Dorchester        F        56  34:24
362  Gordon          Hardcastle             Dorchester        M        59  34:54
363  Victoria        Vass                   London            F        11  35:01
364  Matthew         Hickling               London            M        11  35:27
365  Jean            Doyle                  London            F        44  35:34
366  Linda           Thompson               London            F        37  35:45
367  Marianne        Wilson                 Langton           F        45  35:52
368  Judy            Evans                  London            F        52  36:26
369  Erin            Hofhuis                Port Stanley      F        22  36:35
370  John            Hofhuis                Port Stanley      M        51  36:36
371  Debbie          Andress                London            F        49  37:09
372  Julie           Zylstra                London            F        43  37:10
373  Bella           Rikley                 London            F        48  37:45
374  Lennard         Donkers                Strathroy         M        31  38:55
375  Adam            Viger                  London            M        23  46:45
376  Alain           Viger                  London            M        46  46:47
377  Arlene          Shanahan               London            F        24  47:49
378  Margaret        Walker                 St Thomas         F        49  50:12
379  Cameron         Hickling                                 M        13  51:07
380  Debby           Hickling                                 F        48  51:08
381  Tara            Charlebois             London            F        42  51:10
382  Eileen          Driscoll                                 F        53  51:12
383  Janice          Barrett                                  F        34  55:10


Female 19 and under
Lesley                  Binning                  Mitchell       F      16    19:52
Caitlin                 Mroz                     London         F      17    23:14
Jenalle                 Vanhie                   Dorchester     F      10    23:15
Jennifer                De Vries                 London         F      11    24:02
Lauren                  Leggatt                  London         F      19    24:36
Lindsay                 Walker                   St Thomas      F      14    24:58
Rachel                  Burdick                  London         F      18    25:00
Alexandra               Charlebois               London         F      10    25:18
Mallory                 Mroz                     London         F      17    25:18
Bronwen                 Wallace                  London         F      19    25:33
Allison                 Walker                   St Thomas      F      16    25:35
Jaclyn                  Wise                     Dorchester     F      13    26:21
Brieanna                Charlebois               London         F      8     26:28
Martha                  Ludlow                   London         F      16    26:34
Sara                    Elliott                                 F      14    27:01
Lindsay                 Oldham                                  F      16    27:01
Gillian                 Roberts                  London         F      12    27:15
Mallory                 Walker                   St Thomas      F      10    28:02
Lindsay                 Macneil                  London         F      17    32:09
Briana                  Blencowe                 London         F      17    32:51
Victoria                Vass                     London         F      11    35:01

Female 20 to 24
Tara                    Johnson                  London         F      21    20:21
Grace                   Periera                  London         F      21    20:28
Annemarie               Hoffmann                 London         F      23    21:06
Samantha                Marchant                 London         F      23    22:38
Frances                 De Gouw                  Parkhill       F      23    23:51
Anne                    Cramer                   London         F      23    23:59
Michelle                Richardson               London         F      22    25:58
Krystal                 Mayer                                   F      21    26:23
Angela                  Furfaro                  London         F      23    26:52
Dana                    Lepage                   London         F      23    27:08
Michelle                Verberne                 London         F      23    27:55
Lauren                  Burdick                  London         F      20    29:04
Afua                    Addo-abedi               London         F      23    29:23
Heidi                   Pinter                   London         F      21    34:05
Erin                    Hofhuis                  Port Stanley   F      22    36:35

Female 25 to 29
Michaela                Mcclure                                 F      24    18:17
Kate                    Annen                    London         F      25    18:48
Erin                    Rosebrugh                London         F      24    20:22
Karen                   Gordon                   London         F      27    20:46
Andrea                  Zelinka                  London         F      25    20:57
Christine               Parks                    London         F      26    22:21
Demelza                 Motley                   London         F      24    22:40
Nicole                  Vetter                   London         F      28    23:01
Cheryl                  Smits                    London         F      24    23:28
Brenda                  Murray                   London         F      27    23:44
Sara                    Benoit                   London         F      25    24:14
Melanie                 Crossett                 St Thomas      F      28    24:47
Stacey                  Casier                   London         F      27    25:13
Melissa                 Medd                     Stratford      F      24    25:48
Olivia                  Cain                     London         F      27    26:03
Wanda                   Lbeetnoff                               F      26    26:46
Catherine               Trudelle                 London         F      28    26:50
Jennifer                Bow                                     F      26    27:13
Cory                    Telfer                   Chatham        F      29    27:46
Jami                    Sowerby                  London         F      27    28:24
Amanda                  Lutz                                    F      28    28:41
Kelly                   Brennan                  London         F      25    28:56
Monique                 Radlein                  London         F      25    29:05
Cheryl                  Heard                    St Thomas      F      28    30:54
Catherine               Michienzi                London         F      29    31:09
Irena                   Piasecka                 London         F      24    32:33
Gillian                 Fraser                   London         F      26    32:33
Marcie                  Stears                   Stratford      F      26    32:34
Amanda                  Hall                     Chatham        F      26    32:56
Leanne                  Mohr                                    F      25    33:34
Jodi                    Hinds                    London         F      28    34:06
Arlene                  Shanahan                 London         F      24    47:49

Female 30 to 34
Lynn                    Dempsey                  London         F      30    18:50
Lynne                   Macarthur                London         F      32    20:16
Natalie                 Baird                    London         F      34    20:38
Stacey                  Mcclelland               London         F      31    21:58
                        Laura                    London         F      32    22:43
Joanne                  Marks                    London         F      32    24:26
Patti                   Taylor                   London         F      32    25:30
Bridget                 Murphy                   Sarnia         F      33    25:40
Katrina                 Cholack                  London         F      30    27:01
Christine               Sleegers                 London         F      31    27:01
Leslie                  Angi                     London         F      31    27:33
Bonnie                  Martin                   London         F      33    27:40
Janette                 Batten                   London         F      34    27:42
Melanie                 Askew                    London         F      32    28:29
Cynthia                 Mcintyre                 London         F      30    28:57
Linda                   Power                                   F      30    29:06
Christine               Kowula                   Langdon        F      34    30:34
Jane                    Hornberg                 Granton        F      34    31:08
Colleen                 Irlend                                  F      31    31:09
Shannon                 Tannahil                 London         F      31    31:19
Carla                   Campbell                                F      30    32:16
Michelle                Gillies                                 F      31    32:16
Alison                  Adair                    London         F      33    32:56
Sandra                  Chard                    London         F      32    33:06
Sherri                  Robinson                 London         F      32    34:03
Janice                  Barrett                                 F      34    55:10

Female 35 to 39
Sarah                   Miller                   Oakville       F      39    20:00
Susan                   Quenneville              London         F      35    20:26
Tammy                   Whitehead                London         F      39    24:12
Sheri                   Cappa                    London         F      39    25:03
Barbara                 Ridell                                  F      39    25:17
Yonina                  Chernick                 London         F      37    25:32
Rose                    Morrissey                London         F      35    25:57
Donna                   Kovacs                   London         F      38    25:57
Elaine                  Henning                  London         F      38    27:40
Jantje                  Scheele                  Thorndale      F      35    27:47
Ali                     Meuse                    London         F      37    28:18
Stacey                  Vass                     London         F      36    28:31
Karen                   Walkey                   London         F      39    30:21
Kathleen                Laroque                  Ailsa Craig    F      37    30:32
Karen                   Gray                     London         F      38    30:57
Karin                   Snoek                    St Marys       F      39    31:08
Michele                 Greene                   Stratford      F      36    32:34
Evelynne                Kobes                    London         F      35    34:07
Linda                   Thompson                 London         F      37    35:45

Female 40 to 44
Deb                     Morrissey                London         F      41    21:03
Rebecca                 Barton                   Toronto        F      42    21:12
Deb                     Mckaig                   London         F      42    22:24
Joan                    Dinardo                  London         F      40    23:34
Beverly                 Gribbons                 London         F      43    24:07
Betty                   Quintus                  London         F      40    24:25
Soph                    Katsademas               London         F      40    24:55
Nancy                   Fulton                   London         F      43    24:56
Lisa                    Brooks                   London         F      40    25:31
Nancy                   James                                   F      41    25:53
Pat                     Leggatt                  London         F      42    26:34
Kathy                   Roberts                  London         F      43    27:47
Grace                   Post                     London         F      43    28:13
Valerie                 Hobson                   London         F      41    29:16
Lynne                   Grobbecker               St Marys       F      43    29:48
Deborah                 Armitage                 London         F      44    29:49
Sharron                 Poole                    London         F      40    30:03
Shelley                 Harrington               Thamesford     F      41    30:37
Andrea                  Ives                     London         F      44    31:16
Cindy                   Leon                     Melbourne      F      43    33:02
Jean                    Doyle                    London         F      44    35:34
Julie                   Zylstra                  London         F      43    37:10
Tara                    Charlebois               London         F      42    51:10

Female 45 to 49
Cathy                   Johnson                  London         F      47    23:07
Diane                   Perkins                  London         F      46    23:28
Janet                   Shillington              London         F      49    23:41
Jan                     Meek                     London         F      45    24:37
Susan                   Vusich                   Port Stanley   F      48    24:53
Roberta                 Reardon                  London         F      48    25:20
Liz                     Cramer                   London         F      49    26:10
Janice                  Hughson                  London         F      47    26:26
Elizabeth               Mcintosh                 London         F      45    27:34
Diane                   Barker                   Kincardine     F      47    27:47
Janet                   Mathers                                 F      46    27:52
Donna                   Fones                    London         F      47    30:03
Joan                    Donohoe                  London         F      49    34:04
Marianne                Wilson                   Langton        F      45    35:52
Debbie                  Andress                  London         F      49    37:09
Bella                   Rikley                   London         F      48    37:45
Margaret                Walker                   St Thomas      F      49    50:12
Debby                   Hickling                                F      48    51:08

Female 50 to 54
Rosemary                Wedlake                  London         F      50    21:43
Colleen                 Stewart                  Welland        F      51    22:31
Rosaleen                Dunbar                   St Marys       F      51    24:01
Debbie                  Obokata                  London         F      50    24:26
Gossette                Radlein                  London         F      51    25:24
Isabel                  Lynch                    London         F      53    26:47
Mary Lou                Marchant                 London         F      50    27:12
Ena                     De Bruyn                                F      52    28:44
Colleen                 Eckert-denver            London         F      50    29:27
Patricia                Boost                    London         F      53    31:36
Arlene                  Gleason                  London         F      52    31:53
Maureen                 Hussey                   London         F      53    32:13
Maria                   Hardcastle               Dorchester     F      53    33:49
Judy                    Evans                    London         F      52    36:26
Eileen                  Driscoll                                F      53    51:12

Female 55 to 59
Beverley                Philp                    London         F      58    30:38
Margaret                Rule                     Dorchester     F      56    34:24

Female 60 to 69
Marilynne               Ponto                                   F      60    28:52

Male 19 and Under
Justin                  Hall                     London         M      19    17:23
Maker                   Kuai                     London         M      19    18:34
Darcy                   Wilson                   Stratford      M      12    19:34
Thomas                  De Vries                 London         M      11    20:53
Dylan                   Haight                   Woodstock      M      12    21:05
Rob                     Johnston                 London         M      17    21:53
Matt                    Nash                     London         M      11    23:45
Mark                    Mccurdy                  London         M      14    23:58
David                   De Vries                 London         M      13    27:14
Dustin                  Mitchell                 London         M      13    27:38
Robbie                  Timmerman                London         M      10    30:27
Spencer                 Vass                     London         M      9     31:29
Matthew                 Hickling                 London         M      11    35:27
Cameron                 Hickling                                M      13    51:07

Male 20 to 24
Steve                   Weiler                   London         M      21    16:26
Deng                    Achieck                  London         M      20    16:37
Patrick                 Donker                   Beachville     M      21    16:37
Chris                   Smith                    London         M      23    17:07
Scott                   Nelms                    London         M      22    17:27
David                   Palma                    London         M      24    18:21
James                   Wimmer                   London         M      23    19:50
Ben                     Perks                    London         M      23    19:58
Michael                 Chui                     London         M      21    20:11
Fraser                  Rosebrugh                London         M      20    20:52
Colin                   King                     London         M      23    21:51
Andy                    Reid                     London         M      22    22:10
Graham                  Kent                                    M      23    23:53
Adam                    Rae                      Stratford      M      24    24:28
Bradley                 Brown                                   M      23    28:12
Adam                    Viger                    London         M      23    46:45

Male 25 to 29
Neil                    Gowan                                   M      26    17:01
Blake                   Murphy                   London         M      25    17:36
Roburt                  Tranter                  Kingsville     M      26    17:47
Scott                   Finch                    London         M      28    18:46
Dwayne                  Mckinley                 London         M      28    21:40
Merzi                   Dastoor                  London         M      25    21:52
B J                     Hardick                  London         M      27    22:26
Chad                    Cook                     Chatham        M      29    22:47
Chris                   Vanderydt                Strathroy      M      27    24:06
Jeff                    Rule                     London         M      27    26:29
Jason                   Van Gorp                 Belmont        M      28    27:00
Jeff                    Nicholls                 London         M      29    27:49
Ian                     Darling                  London         M      29    28:14
Chris                   Bray                     London         M      29    29:58

Male 30 to 34
Jeff                    Barrett                  London         M      34    17:22
Jamie                   Pell                     St Thomas      M      31    17:41
Brian                   Hagemeier                London         M      32    18:00
Richard                 Mcclelland               London         M      33    18:31
Paul                    Woolford                 London         M      33    19:11
Brian                   Vandergulik              London         M      32    19:19
Daniel                  Booth                    Dutton         M      34    19:57
Andy                    Dawson                   Chatham        M      34    21:04
David                   D'souza                  London         M      32    21:07
Rob                     Sleegers                 London         M      30    21:42
Neil                    Murray                   London         M      34    21:48
Allen                   Lambier                  London         M      31    22:29
Mark                    Diggins                  London         M      30    22:34
Fred                    Mason                                   M      30    23:00
Dinh                    Tran                     London         M      33    23:11
Ken                     Kusalik                  Chatham        M      34    23:17
Michael                 Logan                                   M      31    23:35
Brad                    Builder                  London         M      32    23:55
Joe                     Kuchoki                                 M      33    24:19
Christopher             Slabon                   London         M      34    24:25
Darin                   Cook                     Windsor        M      32    24:59
Jon                     Lizmore                  London         M      30    26:06
Ayad                    Elsharif                 London         M      34    26:56
Cory                    Barr                     Chatham        M      32    28:20
Derrick                 Alcock                   London         M      30    28:31
Lennard                 Donkers                  Strathroy      M      31    38:55

Male 35 to 39
Steve                   Cochrane                 Komoka         M      35    16:27
Rod                     Henning                  London         M      38    17:09
Peter                   Donato                   Toronto        M      37    17:32
Ken                     Gosleigh                 Kincardine     M      35    17:40
Harold                  Walker                   St Thomas      M      36    18:31
Gordon                  Macdonald                London         M      35    19:38
Howard                  Harvey                                  M      35    19:41
Martin                  Harrington               Thamesford     M      39    21:04
David                   Flett                    London         M      39    21:33
Ted                     Ratsep                   London         M      38    21:35
Dave                    Kloppenburg                             M      39    21:56
Ian                     Trotter                  Lucan          M      38    22:00
Marty                   Kovacs                   London         M      38    22:03
Gino                    Cimino                   London         M      39    22:05
Angelo                  D'ascanio                London         M      39    22:25
Martin                  Chisholm                 London         M      35    22:48
Jeff                    Rosen                    London         M      37    22:50
Rob                     Vass                     London         M      37    23:50
John                    Kay                      London         M      37    24:07
Mike                    Bailey                   London         M      38    25:05
Rob                     Divalentin               London         M      38    26:37
Martin                  Donkers                  Arva           M      36    27:05
Mark                    De Zorzi                 London         M      39    32:31

Male 40 to 44
Jim                     Burrows                  London         M      41    17:03
Timothy                 Dobbin                   London         M      40    18:05
John                    Ferguson                 London         M      44    18:10
Patrick                 Connor                   London         M      44    18:42
Rob                     Di Blasio                London         M      41    18:45
Doug                    Jowett                   Delaware       M      42    19:05
Bernd                   Grobbecker               St Marys       M      44    19:17
Richard                 Boothroyd                London         M      41    19:30
Brian                   Levy                     London         M      40    19:42
Alex                    Muszka                   London         M      41    19:46
Marco                   Balestrin                St Marys       M      40    19:56
Brad                    Killeleagh               London         M      44    20:02
Mark                    Faust                    London         M      43    20:03
Steve                   Cordes                   London         M      41    20:51
William                 Mathers                  London         M      44    20:52
Paul                    Cappa                    London         M      40    20:55
Richard                 Mclaughlin                              M      40    21:14
Gerard                  Hatchette                London         M      44    21:15
Doug                    Jamieson                 London         M      42    21:43
Patrick                 Copps                    London         M      40    21:44
Paul                    Lockhart                 Sarnia         M      44    22:01
James                   Cumming                  London         M      40    22:20
Hans                    Scheele                  Thorndale      M      40    22:32
Bob                     Thompson                 London         M      40    22:37
Gord                    Simpson                  Toronto        M      44    22:57
Robert                  Heacock                  London         M      42    23:03
Barry                   Mckaig                   London         M      44    23:12
Arnold                  Visser                   Dorchester     M      42    23:20
David                   Pridding Squire          London         M      42    23:25
Jack                    Mckeown                  London         M      44    23:29
Scott                   Telfer                   Austin         M      40    24:01
Brad                    Griffith                 London         M      40    24:16
Dean                    Reffell                  London         M      42    24:18
Mac                     Hoy                      St Pauls       M      41    24:48
Robert                  Seguin                   London         M      44    25:09
Mike                    Semchism                 London         M      44    27:15
Frank                   Tancredi                 London         M      40    27:50
Giles                   Charlebois               London         M      41    27:54
John                    Sinclair                 London         M      40    28:08
John                    Dyson                    London         M      40    29:31
Douglas                 Gray                     London         M      44    30:57
Clynton                 Macneil                  London         M      43    32:09

Male 45 to 49
Dennis                  Kalichuk                 St Thomas      M      47    18:40
Don                     Rhynas                   London         M      49    19:21
Herman                  Post                     London         M      45    19:40
Greg                    Smith                    London         M      49    20:11
Fred                    Dykman                                  M      47    20:36
Gerry                   Keogh                    London         M      48    21:21
Glenn                   Hickling                 London         M      49    21:21
Ross                    Wilcock                  London         M      45    21:36
Pat                     Palleschi                London         M      47    21:37
Michael                 Geraghty                 Hamilton       M      48    21:55
Gerard                  Dejong                   Lucan          M      45    22:00
Randy                   Mccurdy                  London         M      49    22:52
Kevin                   Leon                     Melbourne      M      45    23:11
David                   Smith                    London         M      45    23:24
Arnie                   Spivey                   Exeter         M      47    23:39
Paul                    Nesbitt-larking                         M      48    25:29
Rob                     Moser                    Dorchester     M      45    26:28
Robert                  Way                      London         M      46    26:28
Bill                    Burdick                  London         M      49    27:03
Andrew                  Mcintosh                 London         M      45    27:33
Terry                   Barfett                  London         M      47    27:54
David                   Wise                     Dorchester     M      45    28:19
Keith                   Secor                    Kitchener      M      49    28:37
Alain                   Viger                    London         M      46    46:47

Male 50 to 54
Aaron                   Ramlal                   London         M      52    18:27
Fred                    Chapman                  London         M      51    18:52
Jim                     Buckley                  Cambridge      M      55    19:36
Nick                    Merucci                  Port Stanley   M      52    19:49
Lawrence                Trickey                  London         M      55    20:01
Cliff                   Hardick                  London         M      55    20:23
Richard                 Binning                  Mitchell       M      50    21:06
Phil                    Waller                   London         M      53    21:08
Robert                  Weir                     London         M      55    21:11
Dave                    Hill                     London         M      53    21:43
Ralph                   Walker                   London         M      54    21:44
Marc                    Roberts                  London         M      53    22:08
Graham                  Deveber                  London         M      51    22:19
Denny                   Radlein                  London         M      51    22:25
Michael                 Blencowe                 London         M      51    22:39
Phill                   Rikley                   London         M      52    23:18
David                   Marsh                    London         M      51    23:57
Eugene                  Sawchuk                  London         M      53    24:11
Ellis                   Henricks                 London         M      52    25:10
Kirk                    Flowers                  London         M      54    25:50
Bill                    Spackman                 London         M      53    27:17
Dale                    Boost                    London         M      52    33:42
John                    Hofhuis                  Port Stanley   M      51    36:36

Male 55 to 59
Peter                   Haase                    London         M      56    18:50
Leslie                  Jones                    London         M      58    20:12
Colm                    Kelly                    London         M      57    20:39
Raymond                 Wilkinson                London         M      56    22:14
Jim                     Rule                     Dorchester     M      57    22:15
Michael                 De Vries                 London         M      56    23:37
Mike                    Bacigalupo               London         M      57    24:24
Gordon                  Hardcastle               Dorchester     M      59    34:54

Male 60 to 69
Nick                    D'ascanio                London         M      62    20:19
Jim                     Gilchrist                London         M      62    21:33
Steffen                 Kampe                    St Thomas      M      66    22:04
Nick                    Donker                   Beachville     M      61    23:27
Bert                    Verhagen                 Grand Bend     M      60    24:38
Bernard                 Conway                   London         M      62    25:41
Brian                   Johnston                 London         M      64    26:23
Ron                     Shier                    Ingersoll      M      67    31:11

Male 70 and Over
Gerry                   Fenwick                  London         M      73    25:16
John                    Verboven                 London         M      70    31:52

Over-all Female
Shannon                 Gerrie                   London         F      21    17:56
Adela                   Flista                   Hamilton       F      33    18:03
Shayna                  Boland                   London         F      21    20:04

Over-all Male
Charley                 Murphy                   Napanee        M      27    15:14
Andrew                  Taylor                   Ajax           M      32    16:06
Zeljko                  Sabol                    Cambridge      M      36    16:10

Masters Female
Mary                    Nash                     London         F      43    20:15
Julie                   Roberts                  London         F      40    20:23
Linda                   Wilson                   Stratford      F      41    20:49

Master Male
Jim                     Burrows                  London         M      41    17:03
Edward                  Chelminiak               London         M      48    17:53
Timothy                 Dobbin                   London         M      40    18:05