The T-shirt
Highland Games 10K
Ten Kilometer Road Race

Fergus, Ontario   August 10th, 2003   9:00 A.M.
Weather: Overcast and Rainy, 20`C

Place Name                Age S City            Time      Pace
===== =================== === = =============== ========= =====
    1 Calvin Staples       26 M Hamilton        0:31:00.6  3:07
    2 Charley Murphy       27 M Napanee         0:31:52.5  3:12
    3 Zeljko Sabol         36 M Kitchener       0:33:17.8  3:20
    4 Chris Carrick        30 M Toronto         0:34:29.6  3:27
    5 Andy Mill            37 M Guelph          0:34:45.8  3:29
    6 Andrew Krucker       40 M Guelph          0:35:07.8  3:31
    7 Blake Murphy         25 M London          0:35:23.0  3:33
    8 Josiane Aboungono    25 F Toronto         0:37:00.5  3:43
    9 Shannon Gerrie       21 F Guelph          0:37:23.3  3:45
   10 Joe Lanteigne        42 M Millgrove       0:37:53.7  3:48
   11 Leslie Carson        39 F Cambridge       0:38:13.3  3:50
   12 Adela Flista         33 F Hamilton        0:38:21.2  3:51
   13 John McCormick       32 M Cambridge       0:38:49.8  3:53
   14 Peter Glaab          33 M Guelph          0:39:02.1  3:55
   15 Bob Knuckey          54 M Alton           0:39:10.2  3:56
   16 Duncan McCallum      51 M Etobicoke       0:39:25.2  3:57
   17 Bruce Murray         53 M Arthur          0:39:41.2  3:59
   18 Dave Barr            42 M Guelph          0:39:58.4  4:00
   19 John Madsden         45 M Guelph          0:40:04.5  4:01
   20 Mitchell Prevost     22 M Guelph          0:40:13.2  4:02
   21 Marcell Meresz       34 M Guelph          0:40:45.0  4:05
   22 Daniel Booth         34 M Dutton          0:41:09.2  4:07
   23 Stuart Faria         34 M Brampton        0:41:36.1  4:10
   24 Paul Benham          46 M Guelph          0:41:39.1  4:10
   25 Simon Bartle         34 M Midlothian      0:42:00.5  4:13
   26 Luigi D'Agnillo      31 M Waterloo        0:42:21.0  4:15
   27 Laura Kerr           19 F Elora           0:42:25.1  4:15
   28 Christina Clark      28 F Guelph          0:42:32.7  4:16
   29 Grace Pereira        21 F London          0:42:57.4  4:18
   30 John Hawkins         42 M Kitchener       0:42:57.7  4:18
   31 Ian Kennedy          44 M Kitchener       0:43:18.5  4:20
   32 Dwayne McKinley      28 M London          0:43:19.1  4:20
   33 Brian Bisson         52 M Kitchener       0:43:19.8  4:20
   34 Gary Simpson         50 M London          0:43:41.1  4:23
   35 Brian Kerslake       41 M Guelph          0:43:46.2  4:23
   36 Peter Thorpe         50 M Orangeville     0:43:48.3  4:23
   37 Jodie Karrow         37 F Orton           0:43:57.4  4:24
   38 Nancy Cole-Hrycin    49 F Acton           0:43:58.2  4:24
   39 Ian Moorhouse        41 M Guelph          0:43:59.3  4:24
   40 Derek Quick          11 M St. George      0:43:59.7  4:24
   41 Jose Hernandez       31 M Erin            0:44:03.7  4:25
   42 Robert Attrell       44 M Acton           0:44:08.3  4:25
   43 Ernest Johnson       26 M Guelph          0:44:18.1  4:26
   44 Colleen Stewart      51 F Welland         0:44:27.0  4:27
   45 David Guest          39 M Guelph          0:45:10.9  4:32
   46 Bryan Talbot         31 M Cambridge       0:45:16.6  4:32
   47 Lorne Robinson       39 M Guelph          0:45:21.6  4:33
   48 Ian Reid             28 M South Korea     0:45:21.9  4:33
   49 Anna Contini         43 F Fergus          0:45:26.6  4:33
   50 Christel Lundy       21 F Alton           0:45:30.0  4:33
   51 Bob Robinson         47 M Guelph          0:45:34.4  4:34
   52 Rick Nicklasson      16 M Orangeville     0:45:51.1  4:36
   53 Larry O'Connell      30 M Erin            0:46:15.4  4:38
   54 Payton Frappier       3 M Fergus          0:46:24.2  4:39
   55 Michael Reidy        55 M Fergus          0:46:30.5  4:40
   56 Brent Teboekhorst    23 M Guelph          0:46:31.0  4:40
   57 Frances Norlen       41 F Shelburne       0:46:36.2  4:40
   58 Bryce Driscoll       19 M Elora           0:47:00.6  4:43
   59 Jerry Bilton         47 M Guelph          0:47:08.8  4:43
   60 George Daunt         51 M Moffat          0:47:16.3  4:44
   61 Cyle Hatch           14 M Fergus          0:47:20.5  4:45
   62 Richard Tam          43 M Brampton        0:47:24.8  4:45
   63 Raymond Pitre        57 M Hamilton        0:47:28.8  4:45
   64 Angela Quick         13 F St. George      0:47:32.3  4:46
   65 Scott Cameron        44 M Guelph          0:47:52.8  4:48
   66 Dave Sharpe          25 M Havelock        0:47:56.0  4:48
   67 Duncan Mounsey       64 M Georgetown      0:47:57.1  4:48
   68 Robert Collin        53 M Orangeville     0:48:01.8  4:49
   69 Virginia Marcille-K  39 F Guelph          0:48:20.9  4:51
   70 Christy Campbell     20 F Guelph          0:48:22.0  4:51
   71 Todd Mathers         40 M Oakville        0:48:46.2  4:53
   72 James Phelps         41 M Guelph          0:48:47.8  4:53
   73 John Burns           51 M Fergus          0:48:56.2  4:54
   74 Andrew McBride       31 M Orangeville     0:48:58.4  4:54
   75 Julie Mitchell       32 F Mississauga     0:48:59.3  4:54
   76 Matt Borghese        28 M Guelph          0:49:16.0  4:56
   77 Barry Fish           30 M Fergus          0:49:20.2  4:57
   78 Jane Tosh            44 F Guelph          0:49:24.5  4:57
   79 Grant Cambell        44 M Guelph          0:49:31.8  4:58
   80 Tessa Conaway        26 F Waterloo        0:49:33.4  4:58
   81 Mario Caputo         53 M Maple           0:49:44.7  4:59
   82 Brent Belanger       40 M Orangeville     0:49:45.9  4:59
   83 Peter VanMeerbergen  35 M Waterloo        0:49:47.4  4:59
   84 Doug Atkinson        48 M Guelph          0:49:49.8  4:59
   85 Neil Fox             32 M Guelph          0:49:53.1  5:00
   86 Maya Simpson         29 F London          0:50:02.2  5:01
   87 Mike Sorci           54 M Guelph          0:50:12.1  5:02
   88 Doug Badger          55 M Guelph          0:50:17.2  5:02
   89 Keith Cressman       44 M Ariss           0:50:29.5  5:03
   90 Michael Burns        22 M Waterloo        0:50:35.0  5:04
   91 Fiona McGuiness      33 F Peterborough    0:50:35.3  5:04
   92 Chris Prowse         35 M Peterborough    0:50:42.4  5:05
   93 Christopher Small    47 M Elora           0:51:12.7  5:08
   94 Brent Tegler         49 M Fergus          0:51:25.8  5:09
   95 Jacobees DeBock      58 M Alma            0:51:29.8  5:09
   96 Judith Dowling       53 F Fergus          0:51:46.1  5:11
   97 Tony Cabral          38 M Guelph          0:51:50.6  5:12
   98 Carol Campagnare     35 F Guelph          0:51:57.1  5:12
   99 Brad Freethy         46 M Fergus          0:52:07.9  5:13
  100 Kelly Offer          38 F Fergus          0:52:14.5  5:14
  101 John Cranfield       34 M Guelph          0:52:15.8  5:14
  102 Maurice Marnika      38 M Etobicoke       0:52:25.5  5:15
  103 Cheryl McMichan      29 F Guelph          0:52:28.5  5:15
  104 Brian Sharratt       58 M Guelph          0:52:34.5  5:16
  105 Laurie Ross          40 F Battersea       0:52:42.6  5:17
  106 Susan Thrope         48 F Orangeville     0:52:43.4  5:17
  107 Kate Dipietro        40 F Fergus          0:52:45.6  5:17
  108 Kim McCabe           40 F Fergus          0:52:46.2  5:17
  109 John Hine            55 M Fergus          0:52:58.0  5:18
  110 Mark EasterBrook     33 M Fergus          0:52:58.2  5:18
  111 John Stickney        52 M Fergus          0:53:35.5  5:22
  112 Richard Figg         50 M Waterloo        0:53:36.0  5:22
  113 Pam Oberle           25 F Guelph          0:53:39.0  5:22
  114 Paul Fusari          34 M Waterloo        0:53:44.9  5:23
  115 Janis Milliken       51 F Guelph          0:53:45.3  5:23
  116 Tara Embrey          21 F Guelph          0:53:45.8  5:23
  117 Jennifer Parkins     29 F Guelph          0:54:49.3  5:29
  118 Lynn Willms          36 F Guelph          0:55:22.9  5:33
  119 David Taylor         41 M Elmira          0:55:28.2  5:33
  120 Pam Blienaut         46 F Burlington      0:55:41.4  5:35
  121 Melanie Keating      36 F Guelph          0:56:24.0  5:39
  122 Russ O'Handley       51 M Goderich        0:56:26.7  5:39
  123 Diane Barker         47 F Kincardine      0:56:39.4  5:40
  124 Drew Roebuck         22 M Guelph          0:57:51.3  5:48
  125 Hope Benham          12 F Guelph          0:58:20.7  5:51
  126 Nancy Taves          51 F Shakespeare     0:58:22.3  5:51
  127 Hugh White           60 M Fergus          0:58:24.1  5:51
  128 Sonja Payne          25 F Thamesford      0:58:27.0  5:51
  129 Martin Donkers       37 M Arva            0:58:29.6  5:51
  130 Marta Fonseca        38 F Guelph          0:58:33.1  5:52
  131 Ginny Eby            38 F Kitchener       0:58:37.5  5:52
  132 Kristina Dickson     35 F Waterloo        0:58:49.6  5:53
  133 Terry Van Dreumel    34 M Guelph          0:58:54.4  5:54
  134 Katherine Charette   43 F Guelph          0:59:11.3  5:56
  135 Bob Burniston        63 M Burlington      0:59:30.7  5:58
  136 Joanne Deall         32 F Toronto         0:59:39.6  5:58
  137 Adriana Zeleney      31 F Ridgetown       0:59:41.7  5:59
  138 Valentino Bozzelli   32 M Milton          0:59:42.3  5:59
  139 Razani Furwell       59 M Toronto         1:00:17.6  6:02
  140 Krista Rennick       23 F Waterloo        1:00:23.0  6:03
  141 Shirley White        52 F Erin            1:00:35.2  6:04
  142 Deb Reddon           48 F Fergus          1:00:35.9  6:04
  143 Unknown Unkown       99 M Guelph          1:00:37.2  6:04
  144 Craig Waddell        40 M Orangeville     1:00:43.8  6:05
  145 Kim Sonnet           39 F Fergus          1:00:49.3  6:05
  146 Julie Leonard        26 F Fergus          1:01:05.3  6:07
  147 Dave Edwards         52 M TerraCotta      1:01:13.2  6:08
  148 Linda Rostera        53 F Burlington      1:01:17.4  6:08
  149 Antoinette Diamond   39 F Guelph          1:01:27.1  6:09
  150 Lesley James         30 F Waterloo        1:02:01.0  6:13
  151 Kira Macoritti       25 F Georgetown      1:02:02.6  6:13
  152 Annette Matuszek     55 F Toronto         1:02:04.2  6:13
  153 Lynda Hall           29 F Guelph          1:02:05.5  6:13
  154 Tisha Smith          39 F Toronto         1:02:32.9  6:16
  155 Rick Wilson          40 M Fergus          1:02:42.0  6:17
  156 Carolyn English      34 F Guelph          1:03:15.6  6:20
  157 Whitney Reynolds     31 F Ottawa          1:03:25.0  6:21
  158 Mary Murrell         46 F Fergus          1:03:41.2  6:23
  159 Michele Marinier     26 F Guelph          1:03:47.8  6:23
  160 Chris Murray         27 M Guelph          1:03:48.6  6:23
  161 Bruce Calvert        67 M Meaford         1:03:58.3  6:24
  162 Dave Reeves          27 M Guelph          1:04:08.1  6:25
  163 Wendy Elliott        40 F Beaconsfield    1:04:17.0  6:26
  164 Laurie Black-Rooney  39 F Fergus          1:04:30.9  6:28
  165 Anne Davis           46 F Fergus          1:04:31.2  6:28
  166 Cheryl MacDonald     43 F Cambridge       1:05:02.1  6:31
  167 Mary Baldwin         73 F Orillia         1:05:03.0  6:31
  168 Shelley Dano         36 F Fergus          1:06:54.2  6:42
  169 Sue Rosebush         33 F Guelph          1:06:57.3  6:42
  170 Kathleen Shaw        26 F Guelph          1:07:15.4  6:44
  171 Robin Young          27 F Guelph          1:07:15.8  6:44
  172 Maria Pieczara       32 F Waterloo        1:07:17.3  6:44
  173 Tanja McCallum       32 F Guelph          1:08:25.7  6:51
  174 Ellen Helps          43 F Ariss           1:08:59.3  6:54
  175 Sheila McKee         33 F Mississauga     1:09:41.5  6:59
  176 Linda Edmond         41 F Brampton        1:12:18.2  7:14
  177 John Manera          48 M Guelph          1:12:48.9  7:17
  178 Shanan Campbell      29 F Guelph          1:13:07.1  7:19
  179 Meaghen Figg         23 F Waterloo        1:13:20.8  7:21
  180 Robert Seguin        50 M Mississauga     1:16:57.9  7:42
  181 Lennard Donkers      31 M Strathroy       1:17:20.2  7:45
  182 Susan Callan         37 F Guelph          1:20:16.1  8:02
  183 Tanja Parsley        53 F Georgetown      1:22:49.2  8:17