The T-shirt
The Series


#   Name                   City         Gender Age TIME   
1   Christian Gundlack     London       M      37  51:41  
2   Hans      Fransson                  M      32  53:07  
3   Richard   Mcclelland   London       M      34  54:09  
4   Marco     Balestrin    St Marys     M      41  56:42  
5   David     Johnson      Kitchener    M      52  57:31  
6   Shawn     Keddy        London       M      35  57:49  
7   James     Madden       London       M      47  58:12  
8   Christine Parks        London       F      27  58:19  
9   Herman    Post         London       M      46  58:26  
10  Sean      Lynch        Stratford    M      27  58:50  
11  Julie     Froud        Stratford    F      27  59:26  
12  Gregg     Blackler     Kirkton      M      29  59:37  
13  Jared     Hackett      Stratford    M      17  59:42  
14  Henry     Drost        Woodstock    M      47  59:54  
15  Nick      D'ascanio    London       M      63  1:00:58
16  Tim       Majocha                   M      37  1:01:08
17  Adam      Kuo          Exeter       M      40  1:01:09
18  Sarrah    Stirling     Princeton    F      29  1:01:14
19  Damien    Mccotter     St. Marys    M      30  1:01:52
20  Steven    Parke        Kitchener    M      38  1:02:16
21  Chris     Strahm                    M      32  1:03:43
22  Michael   Weersink     St. Marys    M      15  1:03:51
23  Derrick   Ferguson     Stratford    M      14  1:04:24
24  John      Deslippe     St Marys     M      41  1:04:44
25  Mark      Faust        London       M      44  1:04:59
26  Brian     Hodgson      London       M      46  1:05:25
27  Marten    Fadelle      Waterloo     M      32  1:05:44
28  Steve     Vosburgh     Waterloo     M      47  1:05:52
29  Chuck     Kuepfer      Listowel     M      32  1:06:10
30  Gary      Simpson      London       M      51  1:06:19
31  Chris     Gwyn         St Marys     M      39  1:06:31
32  Bradley   Coddington   St. Marys    M      14  1:06:46
33  Richard   Neale        London       M      47  1:06:51
34  Shae      Salovaara    London       F      30  1:06:58
35  Steve     Sauder       St Marys     M      44  1:07:01
36  Derek     Hartman      Lakeside     M      16  1:07:09
37  Steven    Howe         Woodstock    M      26  1:07:18
38  Marianne  Wilcox       St Marys     F      15  1:07:26
39  Rene      Savoie       London       M      30  1:07:30
40  Dan       Ferguson     Stratford    M      14  1:08:27
41  Kevin     Mcdougall    St Marys     M      33  1:08:31
42  Jennette  Howe         Brantford    F      24  1:08:33
43  Barb      Ledgley      Dorchester   F      35  1:08:48
44  David     Prentice     London       M      50  1:09:10
45  Lynn      Cowdrey      St Marys     F      25  1:09:19
46  Rosaleen  Dunbar       St Marys     F      52  1:09:30
47  Annette   Wrigley      St Marys     F      34  1:09:42
48  Roberta   Reardon      London       F      49  1:09:50
49  Pierre    Chateauvert  St Marys     M      55  1:10:19
50  Sally     Taylor       Dorchester   F      39  1:10:51
51  Stacey    Mcclelland   London       F      32  1:10:54
52  Stephen   Barrick      London       M      54  1:11:11
53  Christina Fyn          Woodstock    F      37  1:11:30
54  Phill     Rikley       London       M      53  1:11:54
55  Kate      Lockhart     Thamesford   F      19  1:12:07
56  Ruoy      Broers                    M      31  1:12:27
57  Ian       Moore        St Marys     M      35  1:13:05
58  Larry     Poortinga    Woodstock    M      45  1:13:56
59  Stuart    Scott-field  Kitchener    M      34  1:15:14
60  Debra     Pearce       St. Marys    F      41  1:15:35
61  Peter     Hansford                  M      47  1:15:52
62  Leonard   Shea         Guelph       F      38  1:15:53
63  Cobi      Sauder       St Marys     F      45  1:16:08
64  Carmen    Velasquez    London       F      37  1:16:15
65  Ross      Wilson                    M      40  1:16:57
66  Debbie    Obokata      London       F      51  1:17:03
67  Stephanie Vandenberg                F      26  1:17:19
68  Robin     Guest        Paris        F      26  1:17:26
69  Carien    Vandenberg                F      27  1:17:28
70  Heather   Brulotte     Putnam       F      37  1:17:51
71  Kathy     Breen        Putnam       F      32  1:18:34
72  Joanna    Sauder       St Marys     F      16  1:18:47
73  Grant     Brouwer      St Thomas    M      33  1:18:50
74  Mac       Hoy          St Pauls     M      43  1:19:29
75  Rob       Larsen       Woodstock    M      53  1:19:29
76  Scott     Mccutcheon   Thorndale    M      24  1:19:30
77  Yonina    Chernick     London       F      38  1:19:34
78  Keith     Secor        Kitchener    M      51  1:20:20
79  Catherine Dover        Kitchener    F      44  1:20:38
80  Ashley    Nethercott   Putnam       F      12  1:20:47
81  Tim       Cronsberry   St Marys     M      37  1:21:45
82  Nanette   Bowen-smith  Fullarton    F      35  1:22:10
83  Judy      Carter       London       F      42  1:22:11
84  Barb      Carter       Waterloo     F      43  1:22:12
85  Arnold    Visser       Dorchester   M      43  1:22:31
86  Janet     Mathers      Centralia    F      47  1:22:48
87  John      Howe         Brantford    M      60  1:22:53
88  Cole      Atlin        St Marys     F      16  1:23:11
89  Martin    Donkers      Arva         M      37  1:23:20
90  Alex      Graf         Stratford    M      39  1:23:25
91  Ellen     Wiley        Thamesford   F      38  1:23:27
92  Beverly   Gribbons     London       F      44  1:24:07
93  Nancy     Wolfe        Aylmer       F      45  1:25:10
94  Sonia     Beavers      Aylmer       F      47  1:25:10
95  Loys      Fawcett      St Marys     F      40  1:25:59
96  Karin     Snoek        St Marys     F      41  1:27:24
97  Jane      Horenberg    Granton      F      35  1:27:24
98  Paul      Horenberg                 M      37  1:27:25
99  Allan     Stewart      St. Marys    M      51  1:27:53
100 Lorraine  Birnie       Delaware     F      39  1:28:03
101 Michael   Richardson   St Marys     M      32  1:28:04
102 Charlene  Cheverie     London       F      44  1:28:41
103 Joanne    Wraith       Komoka       F      41  1:29:41
104 Kristin   Brown        St. Marys    F      15  1:30:23
105 Blair     Myers        St. Marys    M      16  1:30:24
106 Ray       Lloyd        London       M      65  1:30:33
107 Carol     Venn         St Marys     F      32  1:30:51
108 Joe       Lobb         Brucefield   M      51  1:33:33
109 Michael   O'dwyer      Mississauga  M      58  1:33:33
110 Lori      Ashton       Mossley      F      40  1:36:06
111 Dave      Robson       Mt Brydges   M      48  1:37:24
112 Dempsey   Smith        Stratford    M      54  1:44:27
113 Ryan      Parsons                   M      9   1:49:57
114 Lindsay   Oldham                    F      ?   1:49:57
115 Wendy     More                      F      52  1:56:46