The Socks

Really Chilly Road Races
February 17th, 2008

1 to 2 C, freezing rain early then rain
Sloppy roads and slow conditions

10K Run
    #   First               Last          City         Gender Age   TIME
    1   John                Mason         Fanshawe     M      20      35:26
    2   Dennis              Mazajilo      London       M      19      36:33
    3   Barry               Biner         London       M      20      36:38
    4   Jim                 Burrows       London       M      46      37:22
    5   Rod                 Henning       London       M      43      37:53
    6   Brian               Hunt          Stratford    M      16      38:52
    7   Chris               Snow          London       M      21      40:53
    8   Ed                  Antone        Southwold    M      45      40:56
    9   John                Ferguson      London       M      48      41:07
    10  Casey               Kulchycki     London       M      21      41:32
    11  Brian               Watson        Lucan        M      48      41:37
    12  Gavin               Stuart        Chatham      M      46      41:51
    13  Paul                Marotta       Arva         M      41      41:53
    14  Robert              Slee          Shedden      M      55      42:01
    15  Shannyn             Clancy        London       F      25      42:02
    16  Matt                Farrell       London       M      32      42:46
    17  Chris               Willits       Fanshawe     M      18      43:05
    18  Joshua              Ward          London       M      20      43:11
    19  Mary                Nash          London       F      48      43:18
    20  Alex                Kelly         London       M      ??      43:33
    21  Sean                Cunningham    London       M      19      43:39
    22  Dave                House         London       M      44      44:11
    23  Herm                Vanderheyden  Strathroy    M      51      44:42
    24  Brian               Murphy        London       M      45      45:08
    25  Sue                 Safadi        London       F      25      45:19
    26  Darrell             Pringle       Aurora       M      44      45:45
    27  Ken                 Maclean       London       M      43      45:50
    28  Maura               Connolly      London       F      26      45:56
    29  Graham              Deveber       London       M      56      47:30
    30  Dan                 Cybulski      London       M      52      47:37
    31  Shaun               Guest         London       M      23      47:40
    32  Bruce               Lamb          Lucan        M      46      48:04
    33  Greg                Marshall      London       M      29      48:38
    34  Paul                Roberts       London       M      49      49:20
    35  Paul                Woodrow       London       M      35      49:42
    36  Malcolm             Ruddock       London       M      41      49:44
    37  Chad                Salmi         London       M      24      50:15
    38  Chris               Lanooy        London       M      47      50:37
    39  Megan               Johnston      London       F      23      51:19
    40  David               Bico          London       M      50      51:26
    41  Paul                Harrigan      London       M      44      51:37
    42  Deborah             Siksay-murray London       F      42      51:51
    43  Ashley              Killens       London       F      21      52:19
    44  Bruce               Mckenzie      London       M      53      53:23
    45  John                Sinclair      London       M      45      53:26
    46  Alan                Stuart        London       M      43      53:29
    47  James               Macadams      London       M      55      53:32
    48  Bill                Nolan         London       M      64      53:48
    49  Cheryl              Scollard      London       F      43      53:50
    50  Carl                Fallstrom     London       M      57      53:51
    51  Bob                 Fraser        Ilderton     M      54      53:53
    52  Adam                Barnes        London       M      38      53:56
    53  Brad                Kobe          London       M      38      53:59
    54  Lisa                Brooks        London       F      45      54:34
    55  Sarah               Vandonk       London       F      19      55:01
    56  Brent               Peltola       Sweaburg     M      43      55:06
    57  Damian              Chellaturai   London       M      24      55:56
    58  Danielle            Bratton       London       F      23      56:02
    59  Vicki               Mayberry      Ingersoll    F      34      56:40
    60  Wendy               Fraser        Ilderton     F      54      56:43
    61  Janet               Deveber       London       F      48      56:52
    62  Keith               Mah           London       M      40      58:25
    63  Brian               Corneil       London       M      36      59:09
    64  Karen               Corneil       London       F      35      59:09
    65  Jennifer            Johnson       Thorndale    F      34    1:02:36
    66  Elizabeth           Pringle       Aurora       F      42    1:04:16
    67  Ross                Wilson        Arva         M      43    1:04:23
    68  Rebecca             Matthews      Aylmer       F      34    1:05:02
    69  Alicia              Peters        London       F      33    1:05:53
    70  Paul                Bremner       London       M      48    1:06:22
    71  Katherine           Pye           London       F      75    1:07:26
    72  Martin              Donkers       Arva         M      41    1:08:52
    73  Gina                Palmese       London       F      34    1:10:26
    74  Robin               Ashton        London       F      32    1:11:34
    75  Lennard             Donkers       Strathroy    M      36    1:14:39

5K Competitive Walk

    #   First               Last          City         Gender Age   TIME
    1   Sherry              Watts         London       F      54    31:20
    2   Don                 Ramsden       London       M      61    32:35
    3   Betty               Timmons       London       F      51    35:36
    4   Patrick             Owen          North York   M      43    36:26
    5   Sara                Slee          Shedden      F      49    36:27

5K Run

    #   First               Last          City         Gender Age   TIME
    1   Valerie             Christie      Petrolia     F      17    20:08
    2   Jimmy               Phillips      London       M      16    20:12
    3   Josh                Ackworth      Fanshawe     M      19    20:17
    4   P.                  Hartman       Zurich       M      14    20:27
    5   Graham              Avery         Wyoming      M      16    20:38
    6   Derek               Van Leerzem   Oil Springs  M      17    20:56
    7   Brent               Komer         London       M      18    21:03
    8   Rachel              Lamb          London       F      17    21:18
    9   Nate                Lamb          London       M      14    21:27
    10  Kevin               Mccarthy      London       M      52    22:18
    11  Henry               Drost         Woodstock    M      50    22:20
    12  Cory                Nelson        London       M      35    22:36
    13  Richard             Beernaert     Tillsonburg  M      15    22:46
    14  David               Mott          London       M      28    23:13
    15  Mark                Van Heeswyk   Strathroy    M      35    23:23
    16  Donna               Kraft         London       F      48    23:28
    17  Natalie             Vink          Kirkton      F      15    23:38
    18  Stephen             Strutt        London       M      50    24:54
    19  Grace               Hartman       Zurich       F      15    24:56
    20  Therese             Hartman       Zurich       F      14    24:57
    21  Mack                Diggins       London       M      34    25:30
    22  Robert              Campbell      Mt Bridges   M      48    25:38
    23  Gail                Schmidt       London       F      43    25:41
    24  Marlene             Travers-smith London       F      46    25:52
    25  Ron                 Burns         Woodstock    M      48    26:00
    26  Sharon              Anderson      London       F      ??    26:07
    27  Jenna               Circelli      London       F      23    26:09
    28  Alicia              Barnes        Oil Springs  F      18    26:11
    29  Natasha             Mosdossy      London       F      16    26:13
    30  Reginald            Huggins       London       M      57    26:20
    31  Stacey              Maguire       London       F      24    26:27
    32  Doug                Weaver        London       M      43    26:48
    33  John                Howitt        London       M      61    26:55
    34  Dympna              Cybulski      London       F      51    27:05
    35  William             Sorton        London       M      38    27:08
    36  Lynda               Whitney-veltz London       F      42    27:29
    37  Cory                Guest         London       M      24    27:38
    38  Leo                 Young         London       M      64    28:05
    39  Sydney              Brule         London       F      21    28:21
    40  Sarah               Monk          London       F      23    28:35
    41  Albert              Brule         London       M      47    28:50
    42  Sandra              Beernaert     Tillsonburg  F      46    29:06
    43  Dee                 Morrissey     London       F      43    30:01
    44  Kelly               Wood          Woodstock    F      16    32:44
    45  Cyndie              Paul-girdwood Havelock     F      49    33:19
    46  Doug                Kingston      London       M      57    33:24
    47  Tiffany             Birtch        Woodstock    F      35    33:57
    48  Sandi               Hallock       London       F      30    34:54
    49  John                Verboven      London       M      75    37:20
    50  Diane               Greene        London       F      35    37:32