
This web page is for infortmation on camping in Ontario, Canada. My brother, Martin and I have created a few trip logs. This based on experience starting out as complete novices. We offer a few tips based on the few trips under our belts. We are certainly much more comfortable each trip we take We have experimented and learned the hard way so you don't have to!

Please feel free to contact me about this site. If there are any additions of if you have some of your own Ontario trip experiences you would to tell me about. The internet is a great place to do research on the trips. I have read lots of others' trip logs for ideas and information.

2007 Agenda

I will keep updating this portion of the site to keep you informed of what we are planning next. We have decided to try a winter camping trip to Algonquin Park in March of 2007.

Possible 2007 Trips include:

  • Algonquin Park - March 2007
  • Algonquin Park - May 2007
  • Temagami - August 2007